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How AI Can Help Your Daily Schedule

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Gabrielle Dalvet
Published on

Machines to the rescue in the workplace with the rise of artificial intelligence and smart offices.

When you think of your day-to-day routine, there are at least a few moments that lack efficiency. Perhaps you take longer in the morning than you’d like, or waste time at work on repetitive tasks. For the most part, the opportunity to improve these shortcomings in our daily schedule is something we are all searching for. Think of how much more productive you could be with a little extra help, perhaps with a personal assistant of sorts. With the development of artificial intelligence, the convenience of a personal assistant is available to even those of us without the corporate title.

Artificial intelligence via assistants like Alexa

Alexa on a desk

Starting your morning off right is a strong signifier of how the rest of your day will play out. So why not kick it off with a reliable alarm, run-down of top news stories, traffic and weather updates, and a reminder of what your day looks like? Intelligent home assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home have grown increasingly popular for these very abilities.

Using machine learning technology to get smarter with continued use, these assistants are continuously improving to better predict and understand your natural language and requests. Amazon Alexa's "Routines" feature takes this personalization to the next level, allowing you to customize a series of actions you require for an efficient morning. For instance, saying “Alexa, good morning,” can start your coffee maker, turn on your lights and fill you in on any requested info. Not a bad way to start your day productively with minimal effort!

Smart office scheduling as a preview of artificial intelligence in the workplace

Getting settled in at work can take anywhere from five to thirty minutes, depending on your tasks and current routine. Considering the average workday is eight hours long, factor in the lunch break, multiple meetings, and sorting through dozens of emails, you’re looking at a lot of lost productivity. While American workers spend on average, 44 percent of their time on primary duties such as those mentioned, there’s clearly a need to improve focus time. Office calendar tools can play a big part in reducing wasted time, giving you the chance to focus on more important responsibilities. From finding a meeting room faster to being able to book a desk for the day, you no longer have to stress about the usual suspects.

Wearables bring artificial intelligence to employees' wrists

Hybrid workers at their desk

A typical work day brings along dozens of distractions. Getting caught up in office socialization, answering coworkers questions; it’s all too easy to lose focus and in turn, decrease productivity. AI-powered wearable tech has demonstrated its ability to improve daily habits. A Salesforce study reported more than 75 percent of wearable users experienced improved business performance. This underlines the notion that wearables capable of measuring activity levels increase not only self-awareness of actions, but productivity as well.

For those of us in an office environment, getting up out of your seat is essential but often forgotten when dealing with a heavy workload. Wearable fitness trackers can serve as a wellness assistant, reminding you to get up and move a little throughout the day. While research shows an increase in fitness levels correlates with increased productivity, morale, and work satisfaction. It all adds up to an improved workday.  Smart offices are no longer an aspiration for the future, they’re here today and growing increasingly popular as businesses pick up on the benefits intelligent tech can offer a workplace.

Alongside aforementioned personal AI assistants, in-office tools enable employees to be far more productive by minimizing repetitive tasks and granting access to better quality data. From smart desks that alert you when you’ve been sitting or standing too long to gamified experiences that encourage departments to compete against each other in scores for activity levels.

As evidence shows the act of alternating between sitting and standing results in more alert, productive workers these smart developments provide more than just health benefits. Whether you realize it or not, we all are encountering AI every day. As this technology is only going to continue to advance, it makes sense to utilize it to our advantage. Making small adjustments to better your daily schedule and increase productivity is a simple goal that you’ll likely thank yourself for in the long run!

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