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Connect Distributed Teams with Hybrid Workplace Technology

Hybrid Workplace Technology
Zach Dunn
Published on

The majority of us are trying out hybrid work for the first time. And based on recent headlines, we know how important it is to get this right.

According to Accenture’s Future of Work report, 83% of employees want hybrid work and 65% would quit without it. Those are big numbers that can’t be ignored. People want hybrid work and not only that, but they want hybrid work strategies that support them wherever they are.

Building a strategy that works for everyone can be intimidating, but finding the right technology is a great place to start.

Hybrid Technology, Where to Begin…

Our new report, The Three Pillars of Great Hybrid Leadership, uncovered data that suggests there are three main areas of focus for any flexible team:

  1. Communication
  2. Trust
  3. Shared Purpose

Great hybrid strategies encompass all 3 pillars, but communication is where technology plays a starring role. When you choose hybrid, you choose to accept that the workplace is bigger than the office. The task at hand is no longer just supporting in-office communication, but bridging the gap between distributed teams.

Start by thinking about people working remotely, how can you support remote communication? What software will support digital communication? You can’t assume everyone will be in the office, so start by assuming they won’t be.

Operating on the idea that everyone is working remotely means you’re prepared for that to be the case. Work happens anywhere, so build a system that supports that. Whether in the office, at home, on the beach, or in a coffee shop – give your people the tools they need to communicate and collaborate in any location.

Once you have remote tools in place, like Google suite and Slack, you’ll need to bring in physical technology that connects everything back to the office. This might include things like:

  • Building conference rooms that can simultaneously support in-person meetings and video conferencing, 
  • Utilizing interactive whiteboards and other innovative technology,
  • Implementing hybrid work software (like Robin)

All of these approaches help build a connection between remote and in-person teams. 

Embracing hybrid work opens up a new world of collaboration. It gives your people the power to work together efficiently and effectively from anywhere. It turns your office from a location into a workplace resource.

3 Tips For Creating a Hybrid Workplace

People don’t need to be in the office to feel connected and we’re here to prove that. If you want to better engage your distributed teams, here are 3 tips to help you create a better hybrid workplace:

  1. Empower choice

Not everyone will choose to go into the office, and that’s okay. That’s why you’re preparing to support remote AND in-person teams. The tools you’re choosing will give people the flexibility to build a work week that works for them. Trust your teams will make the best decisions for themselves, trust they’ll be productive wherever they choose to work.

  1. Collect the right data

Data-driven decisions build vibrant hybrid workplaces. The best way to build a workplace that caters to your people is by asking them what they want. Ask questions and listen to the answers. Feedback loops will help you improve and help you establish trust amongst your teams.

You can also utilize global trends to build a stronger hybrid strategy. Our hybrid workplace index is a great resource to see what other offices are doing around the globe.

  1. Try, try, and try again

You most likely won’t get this right the first time and that’s okay. This is a learning experience; building the best hybrid workplace strategy will take time and patience. Be willing to learn from your mistakes and never be afraid to change course if something isn’t working. As long as you're honest about your decisions, your teams will understand and will most likely appreciate the open communication.

The Future of Hybrid Work

What will hybrid work look like in the future? We can’t be certain, but based on workplace trends and our own customer data, it’s clear that people will be much more important than places moving forward. 

Set your hybrid teams up for success with hybrid workplace technology that caters to your needs. If you’re ready to get hybrid right, but don’t know where to start, schedule a demo with us today.

Watch now: Rethinking technology for hybrid work with Zach Dunn

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