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How to Connect a Service Account for Office 365

image of Office 365 logo
The Robin Team
Published on

Setting up your Robin account? You’ll find the most up-to-date information in our Help Center.

Calendar syncing is at the core of how Robin works. We take what your day looks like and help you find the room that’s truly available, that has the stuff you need in it to have a productive meeting.We’ve been working hard to make integrating your team’s calendars with Robin easy to set up and even easier for security teams to give the thumbs up to. We heard that teams wanted an alternate way to connect to Robin, rather than giving access via Global admin.

Now, you can connect Robin to your Office 365 calendars using either a service account or installing the app directly on your team’s domain.

How to Connect to Office 365

Here’s how to connect to a service account:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations within the web dashboard.
  3. Under the Office 365 integration, click "Connect".
  5. You can now choose one of two methods to connect Robin with your Office 365 tenant. As an app or (with the latest update) a service account.
Screenshot of Microsoft window

From there, you’ll be prompted with a message asking you how you’d like to connect:

Screenshot of Microsoft

After selecting “Connect Service Account”, you’ll see a login from Microsoft. Both methods use OAuth to connect, which means you never have to share account credentials directly with us and you can revoke access from a single app without impacting others.

Screenshot of Office 360 Robin notification

Connection via a service account is more configurable and is good for teams that want to maintain the highest level of control over permissions, access logs, etc. If you’re more familiar with managing on-premise Exchange, you’ll also be able to carry over your expertise. Once connected, just grant the service account Impersonation access to the rooms you want Robin to manage and you’re good to go.

What About the Existing App Method?

Installing Robin as an integrated application is a newer method available only for Office 365 customers, and takes advantage of some new features that traditional Exchange set ups cannot. From a management standpoint it allows teams to install once, and jump right into set up.

While easier, it does require the use of a Global Admin to set up and may not give stricter security teams the same level of control for permission management. The benefit being you don't have to keep updating permissions as you add new calendars or other future resources you want Robin to help out with. Both give you the same great access to management tools in Robin once set up.Looking for more information on connecting your calendar with Office 365? We have a bunch of resources here.

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