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Famous Desks Throughout History: Best of December

famous desks
The Robin Team
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Everyone always wants a peek at the lives of famous entrepreneurs, inventors, scientists, writers, and more. Are there habits or tools they used that we can recreate in our own lives? Was their success because of magic? Or was it due to a strategically shortened desk? Each month, we look up prominent birthdays and scour the web for photos of their desks. Then, we share the fun facts on Twitter. From the famous folk born in December, here are our top five:

1. Walt Disney, December 5th

Walt Disney’s office desk was shorter than most so that he could lean over it and see all of his creative projects and ideas at once. And when you’re stringing together the storyline of Mickey Mouse, that’s important.

2. Noam Chomsky, December 7th

Noam Chomsky’s desks have always been surrounded by books and covered in manila folders of clippings, sent by friends from all over the world. We hope he knows where he put everything.

3. Grace Hopper, December 9th

When Grace Hopper wasn't using her desk to help invent COBOL, she would occasionally use it as a prop in office water gun fights. How’s that for workplace culture?

4. Madam CJ Walker, December 23rd

Madam CJ Walker was not only the first American self-made female millionaire but also possibly the first woman to own an elite Wooton desk. Other Wooton desk owners included Rockefeller and Ulysses S. Grant. They're currently going for up to $60,000 on eBay. Get it, girl.


How do your favorite famous business folk inspire you? Stay tuned on Twitter for all of the January birthdays to see what famous desk information we dredge up.

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