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Help Us Redefine the Future of Work

robin office
The Robin Team
Published on

Since moving from Cambridge to our Downtown Crossing location just over a year ago, we have realized, with the help of our guests, that our office is a bit different than the average space.

Even though we are a small team, we treat our office as a showplace of what happens when builders are presented with the tools to tinker.We spend a lot of time thinking about the future of work. Not just because we want to create the best possible workplace for our team but to share it with others.For the past 3 months, we have shared our space with a delightful team from a custom-clothing startup.

Before that, a tech incubator spent the first month working out of our office. Sharing our space gives us the opportunity to learn about other people and businesses, sometimes offering each other solutions to the challenges we are facing. It’s the true meaning of collaboration. While we are not a coworking space, we have adopted a similar mentality. All the while, we have been building Robin, a software platform that uses sensors and wireless technology to know who is in the room and what they might want.At the intersection of these two spheres of innovation lies the future of work.

People are increasingly expecting their physical workspace to be as connected and interactive as their physical space they encounter in their non-work like. For instance, phones are unlocking hotel doors, paying for coffee and starting cars.This attitude isn’t just for small companies like us. Blue Cross and Blue Shield recently announced that with their move to a new office in Boston they will offer employees mobile and flexible workspaces.

The reason? Estimated savings up to $30 million in costs related to real estate consolidation, utilities, and maintenance. The move also helps BCBS meet a strategic goal of attracting and retaining the best talent of the millennial generating who have shown that they expect this from their employers.We hope to help take this further with Robin by partnering with people already at the forefront of innovative workplaces. Shared office companies benefit from the belief that the future of work is about redefining the model of human behavior, interaction, collaboration, and communication. We hope this partnership will create a tremendous amount of opportunity for people, members and places around the world.

Our goal of the initiative is to build a network of collaborative spaces that people are proud to show off while benefiting from operational efficiencies, new and interesting space utilization data and to make the space cool. Conference room booking and sharing presentations on screen shouldn't be a hassle. Employees shouldn't have to tolerate when technology fails. Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing the spaces and cities in which Robin will be launching.

Buckle up, it’s going to be an exciting ride.Ready to jumpstart your office? We are still looking for partners in key locations like Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Austin. Also across the pond in London and Dublin. If you are interested in joining our revolution seeks us out at

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