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How to Support your Hybrid Office with Workplace Technology

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The Robin Team
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Your team's needs are different than they were two years ago. If you’ve decided to embrace hybrid and remote work, you need to embrace the changes that come with it, starting with your workplace tech.

Your hybrid workplace technology needs to include more than just email and word documents. Nowadays, workplaces must be equipped with technology that bridges the gap between distributed teams and supports virtual collaboration and communication.

Let’s explore the different types of workplace software, some of their features, and the best tools you can use to help optimize a hybrid workforce.

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4 Types of workplace software solutions

From keeping track of projects to managing your office space, it’s so much easier to optimize employee performance with the right technology. Here are four of the most common software solutions for hybrid workplaces.

  1. Collaboration & project management tools

Just because everyone isn’t in the office, doesn’t mean they aren’t still working together. Utilizing collaboration tools and project management systems ensures hybrid teams can stay connected and get work done wherever they are.

These tools make it easy to manage tasks and projects, share documents, and give feedback even if team members live across the globe. It keeps everyone on the same page and helps hold individuals accountable, so making progress isn’t hindered by distance.

  1. Office management software

Choosing to visit the office should be as frictionless as possible. With the right workplace management platform, you can set up your floor plans, manage desks and meeting rooms, and improve office visibility all in one place.

Empower your teams to visit the office with desk booking, conference room management and guest experience solutions. Office management software simplifies going to and maintaining the office, so the focus can be on collaboration and productivity.

  1. Video conferencing software

Long gone are the days when you had to fly for a meeting with someone in another state or country. Video conferencing has opened up a whole new world of collaboration, connecting people in different states and countries with the click of a button.

At this point most people are very familiar with video conferencing solutions and they’ve become a part of daily life. But with so many different options it’s never a bad idea to compare what you’re using with a new platform. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your software whether it's screen sharing, recording, or dictation.

  1. Calendar solutions

Because flexible work allows people to adjust their daily hours, coordinating schedules has become a challenge. With calendar tools you can define your availability and instantly book a time that works with everyone’s schedule and time zone.

Most calendar solutions include integrations with some of your favorite video conference tools so starting your meeting can be just as simple as booking it.

Common features of workplace software

Regardless of what software you choose, most typically share similar aspects that make your life easier and improve the office environment. Some of the most common features to look for include:

Intuitive design

Even if you’re not the most tech-savvy person, workplace software should be easy to use and implement. It needs to be simple enough that you can understand it, use it, and easily explain it to your teams.

Solid support

Even if the software is easy to use, there may be times where you get lost or can't find a feature you’re looking for. Look for software that provides tools and resources that can help you solve problems fast. 

For example, at Robin, you can navigate through our help center, reach out to an implementation specialist or check out our blog if you’re feeling stuck. Learning new technology isn’t always easy, make sure you choose companies that are ready to offer support.

Integrations with your favorite tools

Investing in workplace software doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your existing stack. Most solutions make it possible to integrate and synchronize all of your favorite tools, so you can get the best of everything. Be sure to triple check integration possibilities to avoid more work down the line.

Mobile and tablet app

Software solutions should be accessible wherever you are. People should be able to take a look at their schedule while they’re on the train or hopping in a ride-share.

Software you can access with a mobile deceive and/or tablet, like Robin, enhances the employee experience with simplicity. Try to make sure all of your workplace tools fit right in the palm of your hand.

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How workplace software helps optimize your workplace

Providing your team with the tools they need for success is crucial for growth and morale. Some of the benefits that come with workplace software include:

Boosted productivity

Technology helps streamline processes and centralize resources. When time isn’t being wasted searching through emails or reading through instructions, teams can focus their energy on the tasks at hand. 

If things are running smoothly, communication is seamless, and important information is accessible, teams can complete tasks quicker and increase overall productivity.

Improved employee experience

One challenge to hybrid work is building relationships. Technology is how people communicate and connect when they’re not together in the office. When you use the right technology you enable your teams to form connections despite location.

Relationships play a key role in employee happiness, retention, and productivity. Workplace software can not only enable that, but support it.

Reduced overhead

Overall, investing in the right software can save you time and money. Office management software can help measure office usage and identify where you can save in real estate costs. Video conferencing saves you money on travel expenses. Collaboration and project management tools cut supply costs.

That’s extra money each month you can use for other business activities such as marketing or office renovation.

Increased collaboration

Connecting distributed teams with technology empowers them to work together. When you provide your people with the right tools they can communicate, share documents, ask questions, and brainstorm ideas.

The stronger your tech stack, the more room for collaboration. 

Top digital workplace software solutions

Adopting a workplace software tech stack can take your office to the next level. Workplace software improves your employees’ engagement, helps you make data-driven decisions for your company, and overall creates a better workplace culture for everyone.

With so many tools on the market, however, you may have a hard time finding the technology that fits your company. We’re put together a worksheet to help you identify what tools you need and what tools might be the best fit for your business.

Ready to put this to action? Download our Tech to Connect Hybrid Teams worksheet below for helpful guidance and insights as you set up your hybrid workplace.

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