Make workplace management easy
Design your workplace with intention
Adjustable office tools
Change or update your office layout in a few clicks, quickly reimagine spaces
Key office insights
Get real-time answers to how people, spaces, and resources work together in your office
Maps for easy wayfinding
Showcase your office layout digitally with map kiosks for easy navigation

Streamline the logistics of the office
From desks to couches to computer monitors, power your people with the tools and amenities they need to do their best work.
Determine needs: How many desks do you need? What kind of spaces spark collaboration? Make data-driven decisions about your spaces
Report resources: Enable employees to report broken resources right from your room displays or via feedback in-app
Identify patterns: Use workplace analytics to pinpoint under-utilized spaces, popular days in-office and potential areas for improvement
hybrid workplace experience management
Strategic insights, data-driven decisions
Get the right information at the right time so you can make more productive decisions for your people.
Understand if your plans are working by measuring workplace activity
Pair Robin data with existing HR, productivity or BI tools
Dig into worldwide hybrid trends and benchmark your plans

The right resources, at the right time
Workplace experience resources
The guides, interviews, and research you need to start building a vibrant workplace.