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3 types of people that steal conference rooms

conference room with people in it
The Robin Team
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If you’ve ever had a meeting, which most folks have, then you know what it’s like to have your conference room stolen. You feel defeated, frustrated and sometimes disappointed that the office code of ethics is not being upheld. We know your pain. To help shed some light on who steals conference rooms, here’s a quick rundown:

The Lazy Colleague

“You had this room booked? Umm, sure, I can go find another one.”There’s always a handful of lazy colleagues who tend not to actually book rooms for their meetings, but seek empty rooms instead. They usually forgot, or had better things to do than book a room, and since this one was empty, why not use it?

The One Whose Meeting is More Important Than Yours

“Sorry we actually need this room. Can you find another? Thanks.”No matter what kind of meeting, there is always someone or a group of folks who think that their meeting is more important than yours. It might in fact be, but stealing a conference room and using that as a justification is rarely acceptable.

Someone Stole Mine, So I’m Stealing Yours

“Hi, yeah our room was actually taken so we needed this one.” This actually happens quite a bit according to some folks we’ve chatted with. If their room was stolen from them, they want to inflict the same kind of room trauma to you. We get it, you’ve been hurt before, but that excuse creates a trickle down effect that leaves no room safe.

How to Prevent Meeting Room Theft

The simplest way to solve meeting room theft is to have tablets outside your conference rooms.


It's easy to see when a room will be in use from right outside the conference room door. Room displays show when a room will be available and at what time it's booked. When people need to grab a space for a quick meeting, there's no guesswork about what room is free or for how long.Want to learn more? Check out some more tips we have here.

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