Feeling unproductive? Take this quiz to determine your ideal working environment

Answer eight questions to learn what type of office setting fits you best based on your demeanor and work responsibilities.
Taking control of workplace experience
As the battle for top talent continues and companies recognize the value high-performing individuals can bring, the investment focus has shifted from cost-efficiency per square foot to how a company can maximize their “workplace experience”. Often times, organizations assume being “employee-centric” means providing their workforce with fun amenities like drinks on tap, an on-premise gym, or slick lounge furniture.
In reality, supporting employees through workplace design has little to do with cool amenities and more to do with taking the time to understand how employees can get their work done best. Has your organization taken a look at all the workplace variables like company culture, type of work, organization complexity, or location to create a place catered to their specific workforce?
More importantly, have you? Do you know what type of workplace you work best in based on your demeanor and work responsibilities?
Arming yourself with the knowledge of what kind of office setting you can be most productive in is so important when it comes to daily productivity and future job opportunities. With 18 percent of Americans saying they would pursue a new job to have a workspace they like better, you wouldn’t be alone.
Which workplace environment do you thrive in?
- Closed office
- Open office
- Activity-based workplace
- Coworking solution
- An exclusively remote-based setup