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Getting Ready for iOS 11

Getting ready for iOS 11
The Robin Team
Published on

Apple releases a new mobile operating system, iOS 11, on Sept 19. We’ve been testing the developer Beta these last few months to ensure our apps make the transition with ease. Excellent news - iOS doesn't necessitate major changes for Robin users.This guide covers what to expect after updating your OS, like putting your iPad in kiosk mode and updating mobile location preferences.

Room Displays

iOS 11 introduces a number of new features for iPad -- great when your goal is multitasking, but less than ideal for a kiosk app like Rooms.

Dock for apps

Apple is bringing the dock to the iPad. This feature, which should be familiar to Mac users, will make frequently used apps accessible with a swipe from the bottom of the screen.


In addition, iOS 11 makes it easier to view two apps simultaneously in a split view by dragging a second app from the dock onto the display.

How to disable these features for displays running Rooms

• Put your app in guided access mode, which locks the app to your display

• Disable these features from the iPad settings, from General > Multitasking & Dock

• Remove suggested apps from the dock

Robin Rooms runs on iOS 9+


Lock screen notifications & meeting privacy

With iOS 11, users can choose to hide notification previews from the home screen. This protects sensitive content from being accessible to anyone but the phone’s owner, so your phone won’t reveal your personal secrets when you step away for a moment.

Saved password support

Logging into the web dashboard on Safari and storing credentials will now sign you into Robin’s mobile app: username and password fields will automatically fill. Easier (and so much safer!) than setting your passwords as “password”.

Location features

You now have greater control over when and how apps can access your location. With iOS 11, Apple is introducing changes that encourage both users and app developers to enhance location-based experiences only when using the app.Location data is integral to Robin’s presence features. With the introduction of iOS 11, we’re committed to giving folks the best location-based experience when they’re looking for it -- when they’re actively using the app to find nearby spaces.Robin isn’t able to access location information by default. Users can enable location-based features from their App Settings, with the following options for location preferences:

Always: Robin uses your background location to send contextual notifications and automatically check you into Robin powered spaces, even when your phone is in your pocket. Teams using beacons and presence will want to encourage users to select “Always” to get the most out of this feature.

Only when in use: Robin uses your current location to send contextual notifications, suggest nearby spaces, or provide directions -- only when you're using the app.

Never: Robin has no access to your current location

Maps & directions

Maps has key updates, including indoor location for airports and large shopping centers around the world. Robin takes advantage with embedded locations. When scheduling events outside of your office, add a location for easy access to maps and directions.

Robin’s mobile app runs on iOS 9+

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