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Why your office needs conference room scheduling software

conference room
Thierry Diallo
Published on

Booking meeting rooms is part and parcel of running an office. But it’s also an area that can hurt your profit and productivity.

There’s a lot of things that can go wrong during the process. Rooms can get double booked, employees can get lost on the way to the meeting, or even worse - simply not show up at all.

Making sure that meetings stay productive is also a big issue. It’s estimated that companies lose more than $37 billion to unproductive meetings each year.

That’s where conference room scheduling software comes in.

By making it easy to book your meetings in advance, the software will improve your productivity and room management. Here’s what we’ll cover in this blog post:

  • Why conference room scheduling is great for the employee experience
  • What features to look for in a conference room scheduling solution
  • The benefits of using a software solution for space booking
  • The top booking room scheduling solutions to look into

Let’s dive in.

Why employees need conference room scheduling software

The hardest part of the workday shouldn't be booking a conference room. Here’s how conference room scheduling software boosts the employee experience and makes your meetings more successful:

It takes the guesswork out of scheduling a meeting

Using simple calendar systems like Google or Office 365 to book conference rooms can end up being really clunky and time consuming for employees. Conference room scheduling softwares make is super simple to see what's available or booked across the office so employees don't have to wander around trying to find an open space to meet or worry about the room they booked getting stolen.

It makes sure they get the best room for the task at hand

Booking a space and assuming it will have all the technology and setup an employee needs is risky. With conference room scheduling, employees can see what amenities are in a room so they know ahead of time they're getting the best space for the task at hand.

By booking the space you want ahead of time, it’s less likely that someone else will occupy the room you’re looking for. You’ll know instantly which rooms are currently available and have a more vast array of options.

It gives people time to focus on the the work that actually matters (hint: it's not scheduling a meeting)

When people don't have to worry about playing calendar Tetris with their meetings for the week and can clearly see what rooms are available for an ad-hoc meeting at any moment, they're mental energy is freed up to focus on the stuff that actually matters. Whether it's heads-down focus work or casual collaboration, the last thing on peoples' minds should be whether or not they'll be able to find a place to connect with their manager.

Also, when you book your room ahead of time, it gives time for your employees to get themselves ready for the meeting. Nobody wants to rush things and prepare for an important meeting at the last minute.

They’ll be able to review the agenda, prepare talking points to address in the meeting, and take a look at your conference room etiquette. As a result, your company discussions will become much more engaging and productive. 

Key features of conference room scheduling solutions

Meeting room management software can be a great addition to your office. However, not all conference room solutions are created equal. 

Here’s what you need to look for in a quality room scheduling platform:

1. Ease-of-use

It’s a no brainer, but a meeting room solution needs to be simple and straightforward to use. You don’t want to be going through loops and holes just to understand how the software works.

The platform should make it straightforward to find room openings and book your space. You should also be looking for a tool from a company that provides you a library of resources to guide you through the process, such as helpful articles, ebooks, and more.

2. Advanced search

Next, you want to pick a tool that goes beyond just listing available rooms in the office. It should also male it possible to filter rooms based on their location, size, and other relevant details. 

That way, you’ll be sure to find the room with the right amount of tools and chairs to deliver an outstanding meeting.

3. Real-time updates

The workplace can be very unpredictable. Meetings can get rescheduled or canceled, and it can be hard to keep up in such a fast-tracked environment.

Your conference room software must come with real-time updates in case that changes arise. It should show you exactly when a room is available so you can avoid overbooking, and help you find the best space to meet your work requirements.

As a bonus, it’s useful if the software comes with an interactive map to show employees how to get to the meeting. It ensures that no one gets lost and that everyone shows up.

4. Workplace analytics

You want to pick a tool that comes with analytics, such as room utilization, meeting size, and tracks your most participant employees. The data will help improve the workplace environment and get the most out of each meeting.

5. Mobile and tablet app

Your conference room platform shouldn’t limit itself to just your employee’s desk. 

Workers should be able to respond to invites during their commute, while they’re in between tasks, or as they’re taking their lunch. This way, they won’t have to rely on their laptop to book a room.

A solution such as Robin, for example, includes a mobile and tablet app that employees can use to track their meetings anywhere.

6. Admin tools and customizable settings

Lastly, your conference room platform should come with advanced admin tools that make it easier to manage your office space.

For example, let’s say that you want to make certain rooms only bookable by specific members of your team. The platform should come with permission settings that help you set this up from the admin.

Customization is also a big factor in choosing the right tool. A meeting room scheduling software should make it easy to include conference room names, photos for that meeting, and a company logo for a more branded feel.

Benefits of using a software solution for scheduling conference rooms

Investing in a meeting room booking tool can do wonders for your office. Some of the benefits that come with conference room software include:

Create a more productive work environment

With meeting room software, your company will find new ways to be productive and get more done.

Issues such as wasted time or space are going to be a thing of the past: employees will be able to instantly view which rooms are currently available.

By spending less time scheduling conferences, you’ll be able to focus more on your day-to-day activities and get the most out of each meeting.

Avoid scheduling errors

With meeting room software, you’re saving yourself a lot of time and frustration in advance. 

Since all the information about the meeting rooms gets updated in real-time, the platform prevents you from making double bookings or choosing a space that’s not available.

If any changes arise (such as the cancellation of your meeting), the software will automatically update your schedule and notify all of your employees ahead of time.

Say goodbye to no-show meetings

No-show meetings can be a major headache in the workplace. Nothing is worse than showing up to a scheduled meeting only to wait 20 minutes for no one to come.

No-show meetings negatively impact your employee satisfaction and company morale. It’s also a waste of company resources such as electricity, space, and wifi.

With booking software, you can monitor no-shows and identify employees who repeatedly don’t show up to your meetings. You’ll be able to banish events that no one attends and free up the space for others.

Integrate your favorite calendar tools

Investing in booking room software doesn’t mean you have to give up the current calendar tools you’re using. A quality platform can integrate with your existing calendar stack like:

  • Google Calendar
  • Office 365
  • Microsoft Exchange

By synchronizing all of your tools together, booking and managing your conference rooms will become a breeze.

Improve space management with actionable insights

Meeting room scheduling software provides you with data on how your employees use your space. You’ll gain valuable insights, such as meeting habits, space utilization, and more.

For example, if you frequently book a room for 10+ people for meetings that consist of only 5-6 people, the software can help you choose a better area for your team to save space.

By improving your space movement, you’ll save money on management costs and put your employees in an environment where they can do their best.

Top conference room scheduling software solutions


Robin offers a complete solution to booking conference rooms and managing your workplace. Some of our key features include multi-location support, room booking management, and automated scheduling.

With our software, employees can book a desk before they even step foot into your workplace. Our analytics show you the status of each room, so you can easily book the perfect room for your meeting - even at the last minute.

Robin’s unique “Space Management” functionality offers user real-time maps and workplace analytics to better manage your office. Your company will get real-time data into how different people and spaces work together.


  • Basic plan: Starting at $1,500/year
  • Pro plan: Starting at $3,500/year
  • Premier: Contact sales for more information

Wrapping things up 

Thanks for sticking with us till the end!

Investing in conference room scheduling software is a great way to manage your meetings. You’ll be able to make the most out of each group discussion and create a better work environment for your employees.

Robin makes it easy to schedule your meetings and optimize your workplace for productivity. Feel free to schedule a demo with us today to learn more.

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