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3 Lessons Learned: The Hybrid Work Conference 2022

Hybrid Work Conference
Britta Schellenberg
Published on

With The Hybrid Work Conference 2022 behind us, it’s time to look back and reflect on the event, what we learned, and what we’re looking forward to.

Shaping the future of work requires thought leadership, collaboration, and contributions from all types of workplace professionals. Throughout the event, we heard from industry leaders and hybrid experts; their insights sparked new ideas for the workplace and will impact how we view the office.

While we generated inspiration and made some exciting discoveries, we’re just getting started. Here are some key takeaways to bring back to your office.

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3 Takeaways from the Hybrid Work Conference 2022

Over the past two years the way we work has completely changed. Not so long ago, the music industry went through a similar shift. 

In the past, musicians made money from album sales and then toured to promote their music. As time went on and the streaming industry emerged, music became accessible from anywhere. Now albums are used to promote live shows and musicians make most of their money through ticket sales.

The workplace is undergoing a similar disruption, and it’s time we adapt rather than resist.

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1. Flexible Work is Here to Stay 

Despite what some people think, hybrid work isn’t going away. It isn’t a moment, it’s a movement. A majority of people would choose to work flexibly if it was an option. According to McKinsey’s American Opportunity Survey, when people have the chance to work flexibly, 87% of them take it.

Your people are the backbone of the office. They drive productivity, uphold your company’s culture, and drive success. Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial to company growth, and as we’ve seen during the Great Resignation, if people don’t have the flexibility they want, they’ll leave.

Some people think that a recession is going to cause power to shift back to employers and the traditional office will return. These are the same people that thought a lawsuit against Napster was going to stop music streaming.  

2. People Need Social Connections

Gallup’s 2022 State of the Workplace Survey found that only 21% of employees are engaged at work. Employee engagement plays a crucial role in the workplace. Not only does it directly affect employee well-being, but it’s a key factor in performance outcomes such as retention, productivity, safety, and profitability.

So how can you increase employee engagement? By enabling connection and building intentional relationships in the workplace. A majority of people say having friends at work is the #1 determinant of their happiness at a job, and 74% of workers said collaborating with co-workers/clients, building camaraderie, and facilitating in-person meetings bring them into the office. 

People need the vibrancy, community, and collaboration of in-person work to prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness. Why did live shows become so popular? Because they offer a unique experience you can’t get anywhere else. People aren’t just going to concerts to hear their favorite songs, they’re going to be a part of something bigger. 

People want flexibility AND social connections. Transform your office into a social hub, so you can offer your teams an experience they can’t get anywhere else. Create irreplaceable experiences, like seeing your favorite artist live for the first time.   

3. Hybrid Work is Human

We spent the last few years working from home and our lives and work intertwined more than ever. For most, work is no longer a separate existence — it’s a shared experience

As humans, we crave shared experiences. We go to concerts to be a part of a crowd and we engage with company culture to find a shared purpose. Hybrid work has given us an opportunity to be a part of each other's lives in a new way.

We’ve met family members during meetings, laughed at interruptions from excited pets, and shared new pieces of ourselves with one another. The Hybrid Work Conference was an opportunity to hear from industry leaders, but it was also an opportunity to celebrate our daily lives and the flexible strategies that have helped us find this amazing, new balance.

As we continue to shape the future of work, it’s important to carry these people-first approaches with us and remember the impact flexibility has had on all of our lives. Hybrid work can be fun and fulfilling, it can connect us with new people, and bring us together. Hybrid work is a human experience.

Adapting your Workplace for the Future

The new workplace is a work in progress, a project we are all sorting through together. We’ll continue to evolve, learn, and improve the way we work. The focus is no longer on fitting as many people as possible into one space, but on building vibrant hybrid workplaces driven by choice, connection, and collaboration. 

In a hybrid world, technology defines workplace experience. You need the right tools to empower teams to do their best work. You need a platform that can evolve with your organization’s needs. You need a partner you can trust with your hybrid work journey. That’s what drives us at Robin. Together, we can build a seamless workplace experience that enables your teams to utilize the office as a resource with Robin.

Thank you to everyone who attended #HWCon2022 - in person or virtually. We’ll see you next year!

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