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How to Facilitate Frictionless Hybrid Work with Better Tech

hybrid work, automated check in, workplace experience
The Robin Team
Published on

We know office work. We know remote work. Hybrid work, however, often exists in an in-between space that is cumbersome and confusing.

Don’t know when (or even if) you’re supposed to go to an office? Have no idea where to sit? No clue who will be there, and if the commute is worth it? Forget it.

Whether you offer flexibility or have a structured hybrid work policy, simplicity should be baked into every step of your hybrid workplace strategy.

Here’s what we recommend 👇

1. Make Hybrid Office Scheduling Simple

It’s pointless going into an empty office. No team members, no events, nobody to talk to or work with – why would you brave the commute for that? 

Employees need easy ways to see who plans to visit the office and what activities may be going on. If they know these two things, they’re more likely to spend time in your spaces. People who use Robin, for example, are 2.5x more likely to come into the office.

People-first scheduling is a key focus for our team, which is why we released the ability to compare schedules with colleagues. Employees can:

  • See which days their favorite colleagues will be in the office and update their own plans.
  • View where coworkers are sitting and book a desk near them.
  • Identify the best days to visit the office based on when others will be there.
Key takeaway: If you ask employees to go to the office, give them the tools to make it easier.
Compare schedules in the Robin platform.

2. Integrate Your Hybrid Workplace Tools

Time spent on manual hybrid processes leads to wasted time, cumbersome tech and fewer office trips. Your people use many tools to get work done, so it’s essential that those tools talk to one another. Here are some common tech use cases we’ve seen when it comes to managing hybrid work:

Desk booking: Hybrid employees want to book desks in tools they already use based on their scheduling needs, people at the office, or even the amenities. Robin, for example, integrates with popular tools like Microsoft Teams to help employees:

  • See a workweek overview, with easy ways to show their own plans.
  • Book a desk and navigate the office map for easy wayfinding.
  • Receive timely notifications for things like desk reservations or meetings.

Office activity: Knowing who’s going to be in the office helps hybrid workers plan their weeks. People shouldn’t have to dig through calendars or switch tools to get this information. This is why Robin integrates with Slack, helping hybrid workers:

  • See who’s in the office with an automated summary.
  • Confirm desk and space reservations.
  • Share desk bookings directly with coworkers.
Give teams the visibility they need to plan their work week.

Space management: Connecting in-person often happens in the form of meetings. Reserving spaces should feel easy, so Robin connects with Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. These two integrations automatically match and attach rooms based on meeting criteria, right inside a tool people use every day. 

Key takeaway: Make hybrid processes work, within the tool you already use every day.

3. Simplify Desk and Room Booking

Tech integration plays a role here, but it’s important that you don’t overcomplicate your processes. Think about what your people must have to successfully use resources at your office. When we talk about this with customers, they mention making information more accessible – things like: 

  • Desk and space availability.
  • Navigation help.
  • Check-in reminders.
  • Amenities filtering.
  • Requests to fix issues.
  • A view of who’s sitting where.

Based on how we see organizations use the office, we’ve added the following capabilities in Robin:

  • Automatic desk check-in: Checking into the office should be so easy, you don't even know you're doing it. People using Robin have the option to check into the office automatically, if they're connected to office wifi. This increases self-sufficiency, and decreases frustration.
  • Issue reporting for spaces and desks: When a resource needs attention, employees can report it to leaders and get on with their days. This ensures spaces support work for employees and permit productivity.
Key takeaway: Make sure your processes are simple, your tool adds value and your people are self-sufficient.

4. Clearly Communicate Hybrid Work Policies

Hybrid work does not come with a blueprint. Frustrating? It can be. And we guarantee your employees feel it too. The lack of established norms in a hybrid work setting may make it 12% more likely that workers will leave, according to research published April 17 by consulting firm Gartner.

Set your hybrid work policy in the platform.

This step may seem simple, yet many employees feel unsure about policies. In fact, 6 in 10 employees want more structure, but little more than a third of that group agree on how to define hybrid for their organization.

Whatever your hybrid work policy, share it with employees. Ideally, display it where they already get work done. Workplace leaders must: 

  • Set in-office expectations.
  • Communicate them with employees.
  • Get feedback about employee office experiences.

In Robin, leaders share in-office work policies anywhere employees are planning their workweeks. Employees track their own progress toward their company goal, eliminating guesswork. It’s just that simple.

Key takeaway: People want to know what's expected of them. Leaders must clearly communicate their in-office work policies and help employees track their progress.

Hybrid Workplace Experience Platforms Simplify Hybrid Work

If you understand what your people need to succeed in the space between remote and office work, you give them places they want to come to. You give them communities that help them thrive.

Organizations use Robin to mold hybrid work strategies that work for not just any company, but for their unique company. See how Robin can simplify your day-to-day hybrid tasks in the video below and then book time with our team to learn more! 

Learn how Robin can help you

Hybrid Workplace Experience Platforms Simplify Hybrid Work

If you understand what your people need to succeed in the space between remote and office work, you give them places they want to come to. You give them communities that help them thrive.

Organizations use Robin to mold hybrid work strategies that work for not just any company, but for their unique company. See how Robin can simplify your day-to-day hybrid tasks, book a demo today! 

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