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Robin Launches New Feature: The Workplace Experience Report

robin's new feature: workplace experience report
Amanda Reynolds
Published on

People want different things from their employers. So how do you create a workplace that accounts for all of these different preferences?

It's an impossible task without the right data in your corner. That's where Robin's latest feature drop comes in.

The Workplace Experience Report helps office leaders collect, analyze and act on employee feedback.

This latest tool in your workplace toolbox empowers you to:

  • Get feedback about the office.
  • Make data-driven workplace changes (with confidence).
  • Ditch the messy spreadsheets and manage the entire workplace experience in one user-friendly platform.

Robin’s experience report will give you feedback based on who is in the office on a certain day and will allow you to filter responses by date, building, and rating.

Did you have a team-building event last week? Check to see responses from that day to see how it was received.

Did you switch vendors for your office snack drawer? Check to see if they hold up to the previous snacks.

We've made it easy to share your results with other people on your team via our exportable ratings summary block. This function allows you to quickly download, and send off the summary of survey responses. Use the downloads to compare workplace sentiment across buildings or over time.

With Robin’s new workplace experience report, you can:

  • Ask employees to rate and share feedback on their office experience.
  • Remove the friction from sharing feedback about the workplace.
  • Review feedback and sort by date, location or rating.
  • Build trust with employees by actively listening, learning and adjusting.
  • Collect and review feedback all from the Robin app.

The experience report function is now live on our platform and, if you're a Robin customer, you can enable it now, reach out to our team today!

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