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Everything you need to know about onboarding with Robin

image of robin software
Danielle Aihini
Published on

No matter how big your company, everyone’s grappling with the same new problems — and looking for support to do it well.

To support your efforts in reopening the office, we collected the most common onboarding questions so your team can move forward with confidence.

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Take a look at how the onboarding process works with our Customer Experience team.

1. How long does it take to set up Robin?

Typically you can expect to be up and running within two to four weeks, but you can start setting up immediately. For both Premier and Pro accounts, the process is predictable and you’re supported through every step by a member of our Customer Experience (CX) team. With the current influx of offices reopening, this time can vary.

What to expect: Start with a Partnership Kickoff call to go over priorities and what the rest of the rollout will look like. You can expect to cover everything from your company’s goals, problems you’re facing today, strategies to implement, and the metrics you need more visibility into.

That’s also when we use the office map you've sent to your AE to convert it into a Robin floor plan. You can then customize the plan with meeting rooms, desk layouts, and points of interest. From there, we work with you to “build” your workplace. This includes things like setting up displays, configuring admin settings, and controlling how people access and use the platform.

One thing we pride ourselves on is acting as a resource for change management. Onboarding your company is a team sport and we have the resources to help make it a smooth process. We know workplace change is an ongoing effort and things are bound to change once we re-familiarize ourselves with the “new” office -- your dedicated CX Rep is there for the ride.

2. What type of support can I expect during onboarding?

Expect to be supported throughout onboarding, change management, and beyond. After you’re fully set up, your CX Rep and our support team are available anytime you need them. 

You’ll kick things off with a conversation with a CX Rep to learn more about your goals and provide best practices for getting started. With guidance from the Customer Experience team, you can feel confident checking all of the boxes on your list to launch Robin in your office. 

For Premier plans, you’ll have a dedicated CX Rep to guide you through onboarding and stick with you throughout your tenure. Together, you’ll create a plan along with a target launch date. With guided onboarding and training for your team, you’ll get all of the help and best practices you need to get off to a great start.

Disclaimer: Dedicated CX Reps are available on our Pro and Premier plans. That’s not to say our Basic plans don’t come with 24/7 support and lots of documentation to get started. In fact, here are some of our favorite guides for new customers:

Getting Started with Spaces
Getting Started with Desks

3. How do we create a floor plan? Do we need to make our own?

Robin software implementation floor plan map conversion. onboarding with Robin

Once you’ve sent your office floor plan to your AE, we will convert your map into the Robin format. We can work with PDFs, architectural drawings, screenshots, even vague napkin drawings (we’ve seen it all). Our team will convert it into a Robin map within about a week.

From there, you have the control to build out the map to suit your unique office space. Your CX Rep will guide you through how to add spaces, desks, points of interest (bathrooms, fire extinguishers, status boards), names, etc. to make it feel like your office.

Pro tip: We’ve seen companies add points of interest like hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes stations to help with that.

4. Is it easy to update the floor plan occasionally? The layout of our office changes quite often.

Once converted, your Robin maps are yours to customize as often as needed for updates like changes to the desk layout in your office, deciding where new hires should sit, to moving an entire growing department. As seating charts and conference room layouts change, your map can reflect that with a simple drag and drop workflow. Once published, changes update instantly everywhere.

Looking to adjust where a space is on the map? Drag it onto your floor plan and adjust the size and shape as needed. Need to add a pod of desks as the headcount grows? Same thing -- drag a group of desks on the floor plan and rotate and resize it to fit your office needs.

To add devices (room displays and status boards) and points of interest, the process is just as simple.

5. Can you help companies organize where people sit? For example, is it important to sit people as teams?

Yes, we’re here to help you come up with the right seating strategy for your company based on how your team works today.

Pro tip: We also suggest surveying your people on what will make them feel comfortable and clearly communicate how you’re going to facilitate them coming back to the office safely (knowing that likely means they won't come back to "their seat" but to a seat that was appropriately enabled based on social distancing guidelines, for example). 

If today, everyone sits with their teams in assigned seats but the goal is to have greater collaboration across the company, then maybe we’d consider giving people more flexibility to book in areas based on the type of work they want to get done. If that’s the case, we can help you take baby steps towards a more flexible workplace. 

Regardless of your end goals, our team is here to help you reach them. It’s just a matter of digging into the why and making sure your people understand the change.

Have a question for Robin? Send them to and for more back-to-office resources, check out our growing COVID-19 hub here.

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